Extraction of Largely Unexplored Bodily Fluid May Provide New Biomarkers |
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John Toon |
Dance Moves Allow Student to Explain Her Thesis |
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Jason Maderer |
Tiny Needles Offer Potential New Treatment for Two Major Eye Diseases |
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Christa Ernst |
Startup Launched from Georgia Tech-Emory University Research Receives $7.9 Million |
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John Toon |
Researchers Show Potential of Microneedles to Target Drugs to the Back of the Eye |
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John Toon |
Study to Explore Microneedle Patches for Polio Vaccination |
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John Toon |
Study Shows H1N1 Microneedle Vaccine Protects Better Than Injection |
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John Toon |
Vaccine-Delivery Patch with Dissolving Microneedles Boosts Protection |
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John Toon |
Prausnitz Team\'s Microneedle Research Featured on CNN |
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Colly Mitchell |
Flu Vaccine Given in Microneedle Patches Proves Effective in Mice |
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John Toon |
Researchers Win $11.5 Million for Vaccine Delivery |
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John Toon |