the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Story Title Content type Authored by Authored on
IEN Technical Seminar Series: Advances in Parylene Technology for Improving Reliability for Innovative Technology Event Christa Ernst
Innovative Photonic and Electronic Devices Based on Wide Band Gap Materials Event Christa Ernst
IEN Hosts the 2017 Annual Conference of the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) News Christa Ernst
Nano@Tech: III-Nitride Power Electronics Event Christa Ernst
Introduction to High-Purity Water Standards - Implications for System Design and Operation Event Christa Ernst
Nano@Tech: Protein Assembly to Create Therapeutic Nanomaterials Event Christa Ernst
Fall 2016 Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN) Seed Grant Program Winners Announced News Christa Ernst
EP4 Microscopic Imaging for Nanomaterials CharacterizationTechnical Talk and Live Demonstration Event Christa Ernst
Meet the 2016 SENIC Undergraduate Internship in Nanotechnology Program Participants News Christa Ernst
Georgia Tech to Co-lead NSF Center for Advanced Electronics Through Machine Learning with UIUC and NCSU News Christa Ernst
IEN Spring 2016 User Science & Engineering Review Day Event Christa Ernst
Nanovation podcast aims to broadcast small science to a big audience News Christa Ernst
IEN Technical Seminar on Advanced Fabrication: Dielectrics for ICs and Packaging: Materials Used Today and Future Prospects Event Christa Ernst
Spring 2016 IEN Soft Lithography for Microfluidics Short Course Event Christa Ernst
2016 IEN User Science and Engineering Review (USER) Day - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS News Christa Ernst