Globalization, Innovation, and Development Series
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Please join us for an informational talk by Joseph Wong from the University of Toronto.
Title: Managing Uncertainty in East Asia's Knowledge Economy: the Case of Biotechnology
Joseph Wong is a Canada Research Chair and Associate Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Asian Institute at the University of Toronto. Wong's research focuses on public policy and political economy in East Asia, specifically in the areas of health development and democratic reform. He is the author of Healthy Democracies: Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea (Cornell University Press, 2004). His articles have appeared in a broad range of journals including Studies in Comparative International Development and the Journal of East Asian Studies. Wong received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has been a visiting scholar at Harvard, Seoul National University and the Taiwan Institute for National Policy Research.
The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs is proud to present the Globalization, Innovation and Development, The Ivan Allen College Speaker Series on Science, Technology, and Society. The purpose of this program is to provide new and expert insights into the dynamic world of innovation and economic development under an ever more globalizing world. Our aim is to engage Georgia Tech faculty and students with cutting edge research from a multidisciplinary point of view, with the hope of expanding their understanding and encouraging research activities and collaborations. Participants in this speaker series are both leading and promising researchers, and are invited to spend a day at Georgia Tech to meet faculty and students, in addition to presenting on their current research.
The Sam Nunn School for International Affairs and the Ivan Allen College of Georgia Institute of Technology cordially invite you and your students to join us in this truly unique and exceptional program.
For program information, please visit
or email angela.levin@inta.gatech.edu.
For more general questions about the series and/or requests to meet a specific speaker, please contact Professor Dan Breznitz-tbvb@gatech.edu.
- Workflow Status:Published
- Created By:Jupiter
- Created:06/21/2010
- Modified By:Fletcher Moore
- Modified:10/07/2016