School of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture: Jure Leskovec, “Next-generation Algorithms for Network Data" |
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Devin Young |
School of Computer Science's Mary Jean Harrold Memorial Distinguished Lecture: Magdalena Balazinska, “The Myria Big Data Management System and Cloud Service |
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Devin Young |
Attorney Garry G. Mathiason Presents Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots and Jobs |
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Malrey Head |
Rodney Brooks Presents First Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots and Jobs |
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Josie Giles |
Brown Brings the Pieces Together |
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Walter Rich |
Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Lecture in Biomedical Engineering |
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Walter Rich |
Mulally Speaks on Remaking Ford |
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Tracy Heath |
Distinguished Lecture: Nobel Laureate Ken Arrow |
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Margaret Bankoff |
Woodruff Annual Distinguished Lecture |
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Melissa Zbeeb |
Avishai "Avi" Mandelbaum to Present 2011 ISyE Distinguished Lecture |
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Edie Cohen |
Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience Lecture |
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Rachel Ponder |
Operations Research & Homeland Security: Models to Implementation |
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Barbara Christopher |
Dr. Larry Wein Speaks At 2009 Distinguished Lecture |
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Barbara Christopher |
Dr. William Pulleyblank Speaks at ISyE's First Distinguished Lecture |
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Barbara Christopher |