I2S Workshop: Persuasive Presentations |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Predicting and Preventing Failure |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Stakeholder Power w/ Jorge Salazar |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Stakeholder Mapping |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Asset Based Community Development w/ Jennifer Hirsch |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: 5 Whys/Iceberg Models w/ Susan Davis |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Basic Research w/ Liz Holdsworth & Cynthia Kutka |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Impact Gaps Canvas w/ Daniela Papi-Thornton |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Community Partner Presentations |
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nanilnath3 |
Ideas to Serve Competition Workshops: Nested Systems |
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Dori Pap |
Ideas to Serve (I2S) Info Session and Lunch |
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Dori Pap |
The Problem with Solutions: Reflections on the Ideas to Serve Competition |
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Shelley Wunder-Smith |
Ideas to Serve (I2S) Info Session and Lunch |
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msato9 |
Congratulations Grand Challenges Ideas 2 Serve Competition Finalists |
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Kari White |
Horsley and McCoy Team Places in Ideas 2 Serve Competition |
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Lauren Langley |