The Sound of Victory: Politics of Performance at the Super Bowl Halftime Show
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Join us for a discussion on the cultural politics of Super Bowl halftime shows, featuring Courtney Cox, assistant professor at the University of Oregon, and Perry Johnson, assistant professor at the University of Southern California. As project directors of The Sound of Victory, Cox and Johnson explore the historical relationship between sound, music, and sport. They will share their research on how halftime performances shape narratives of race, gender, and national identity in sports. The presentations will be followed by an audience Q&A and further discussion on the intersection of music and athletics.
Matt Ventresca, postdoctoral researcher at Georgia Tech, will moderate the discussion. Mary McDonald, Homer C. Rice Chair in Sports and Society at Georgia Tech, will provide opening remarks.
Registration required. For more information, contact Mary McDonald at mary.mcdonald@hsoc.gatech.edu or visit sportsounds.hsoc.gatech.edu.
This event is part of the Sport and Digital Possibilities Project, presented by the Sports, Society, and Technology Research Collective within the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech.
- Workflow Status:Published
- Created By:cwhittle9
- Created:03/21/2025
- Modified By:cwhittle9
- Modified:03/21/2025
Target Audience