Animal Wellness Lifeline Shelter Volunteer Event
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Mobilizing Opportunities for Volunteer Experiences (MOVE) is excited to host the Animal Wellness Committee's Lifeline Shelter Event on Saturday, March 29th 11:00am - 2:00pm!
This service event was organized by the committee members and leader of MOVE's Animal Wellness Committee. The purpose of this event is to integrate Georgia Tech students into the Atlanta community through animal-related volunteer work and create the opportunity to interact with other GT students who are interested in service! Transportation will be provided, and all participants will be volunteering at Lifeline Animal Shelter. Tasks may include walking dogs, socializing with cats, and cleaning and organizing the pets' spaces. This event may include a combination of indoors and outdoors work depending on the tasks needed that day.
We welcome all Georgia Tech students to participate in this semester's Animal Wellness Lifeline Shelter event. Both individual and group registrations will be accommodated through this Engage form: https://gatech.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/677121.
Sign-ups are due by 11:59PM on Friday, March 28th 2025. However, this event is open on a first come, first serve basis due to transportation space constraints, so if you are interested in participating, it is best to fill out the form as soon as possible. If the maximum capacity of 15 participants has been reached, subsequent submissions will be notified and added to a waitlist.
- Workflow Status:Published
- Created By:Kristen Bailey
- Created:03/20/2025
- Modified By:Kristen Bailey
- Modified:03/20/2025
Target Audience