
April CRC Member Spotlight - Chris Mapel

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Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I’m a 3rd year Mechanical Engineer from Newnan, GA, which is almost an hour south of Atlanta. I’ve been a Tech fan all my life and always knew I wanted to study engineering here. Throughout middle and high school, I played lacrosse through my school, as well with several travel teams. Throughout my time here at Tech, I’ve been in involved with intramural Frisbee and basketball.

How long have you been a member of the CRC?

I’ve been a member of the CRC since Fall 2015, my first semester at Tech. Initially, I only occasionally took advantage of this membership. One of my friends, Nick Randy, who is heavily involved with Georgia Tech Men’s Collegiate Club Volleyball Team, started showing me around more frequently this past fall. He provided me with guidance and knowledge of how to take full advantage of all the resources available to us at the CRC, and now I go regularly.

Where are we most likely to find you in the CRC? What is your favorite part of the CRC?

I typically make it to the CRC about 4 to 5 times each week. I’m not involved with any of the programs or organizations there, but I do use most everything on the main floor. My favorite part of the CRC is running into my friends there and working out with them.

Which dimension of wellness do you feel most connected to while engaging with the CRC (professional, spiritual, social, physical, or emotional)?

The dimensions of wellness I feel connected to most while at the CRC are mostly physical and somewhat mental. I enjoy the feeling of seeing my physical progression over time from where I started, to where I’ve gotten so far. Working out also provides me with a healthy way to relieve stress as well as personal time to myself to think.

What is your most fun CRC story?

My favorite story would definitely have to be our final intramural basketball game from this past season. We all had a great time, especially the graduating seniors. They pulled off some miraculous plays that nobody would have seen coming, such as the triple option and a half-court three-point shot.

What else should we know that we have not asked you yet?

I highly recommend that everyone take advantage of the resources at the CRC available to us students. I didn’t originally do that for the first part of my time here at Tech, but I’m glad that I am now. Even if you aren’t familiar with your way around a gym, they have plenty of ways to get involved for everyone.


  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:Christine Kapurch
  • Created:04/02/2018
  • Modified By:Christine Kapurch
  • Modified:04/02/2018
