Well-Being Activator Application Deadline Extended!

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The Office of Health & Well-Being (HWB) is recruiting students, faculty, and staff to become Well-Being Activators for the spring 2018 semester!

Well-Being Activators are ambassadors and champions whose mission is to enhance a culture of health, wellbeing, and caring at Georgia Tech. They serve as well-being role models within their respective group or department, inspiring others to flourish physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, socially, and personally.

HWB hopes to have one activator representing every community group on campus from student organization to residence hall to faculty or staff department. 

“Well-Being Activators play a key role in moving the well-being needle on our campus,” says HWB Executive Director Suzy Harrington. “The Activators help infuse health, well-being, and caring into everyday life at Tech from making healthy options for food and drinks available at meetings to encouraging participation in events on campus related to health and well-being.”

Well-Being Activators commit one hour per week to implement programming or promoting health, well-being, and caring in addition to a meeting every month. They are also charged with communicating health and well-being messaging to their respective group or department and encouraging participation in programs and events on campus.

“Activators are the ‘first to know’ about the latest health and well-being happenings on campus,” said Health Initiatives’ Health Educator Jocelyn Resnick. “Those who are selected will gain a variety of skills related to leadership, well-being, and fostering healthy behavior change that are not only relevant to their everyday lives and transferable into their future professional goals.”

Applications to become a Well-Being Activator in spring 2018 are currently available and due on January 22nd. Those who are selected will be required to attend a training on January 26th.

For more information and to apply, go to healthinitiatives.gatech.edu/WBA.




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