LSAT Prep on Your Phone

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Free Sample LSAT available through LSAC 

This practice test from June 2007 is made up of the scored sections from the actual disclosed LSAT administered in June 2007 as well as the writing sample topic. However, it does not contain the extra, variable section that is used to pretest new test items of one of the three multiple-choice question types. The three multiple-choice question types may be in a different order in an actual LSAT than in this practice test. This is because the order of these question types is intentionally varied for each administration of the test. The actual test contains section headers at the top of each page that are not included in this practice test.

LSAT Prep on your phone?

ExamIam now has an option to use your phone to take the same June 2007 practice LSAT for free. 

You can purchase LSAT Prep Exams 75 - 79 administered from June 2015 - September 2016 for $11.99.

Available through Google Play and the App Store.

For any preparation program, determine if the program offers (1) authentic LSAT test questions, (2) instructors who have taken the LSAT and performed very well, (3) instructors with experience teaching preparation courses, (4) multiple opportunities to take full LSATs under test-like conditions including time limits and settings, (5) in person and online learning support, and (6) self-pacing options.

Some additional resources to explore:

Atlas LSAT

Bell Curves


ExamKrackers LSAT Prep


Get Prepped LSAT Courses

GoGrad: LSAT Guide


LSAC LSAT Practice Test Books


Manhattan Prep


Princeton Review


7 Stage




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