
Upcoming SEVIS Outage: Friday, June 26-Sunday, June 28

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The federal database for F and J student and scholar records in the U.S., SEVIS, is undergoing a major software upgrade process. The planned database outage starts 8 pm  Friday, June 26 and is expected to end 8 pm Sunday, June 28. The federal systems that will be affected during the outage include: 

  • SEVIS Fee Payment: The I-901 System will not be able to process SEVIS fee payments.
  • Visa Applications: U.S. Consulates may experience delays in issuing visas until the SEVIS data feed is restored.
  • Ports of Entry: CBP may send F and J visa holders to secondary inspection for processing. If you can avoid traveling during these days, please do so or be ready for long waits.
  • SAVE:  Social Security Number and driver's license eligibility may be delayed.
  • E-Verify: Verification of employment eligibility of F and J visa holders may experience delays.

If the outage lasts longer than the scheduled time, then there may be delays in OIE's ability to process any changes in SEVIS and could cause a delay in our normal five business day processing time. Please be assured that OIE will continue to process requests as soon as possible and we request your patience during this time of software upgrades.

You can find detailed information about the outage at Study in the States website.


  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:Emily Dolezal
  • Created:06/15/2015
  • Modified By:Fletcher Moore
  • Modified:10/07/2016


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