Modern Atlanta Design is Human Opening Exhibition |
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Teri Nagel |
Transforming Urbanism: Centennial Lecture |
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Teri Nagel |
Design and Technology for Healthy Aging Meeting |
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Teri Nagel |
Marcel Breuer Design and Architecture |
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Teri Nagel |
Libero Andreotti (Arch 1980, M Arch 1982):Centennial Lecture |
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Teri Nagel |
The Next One-Hundred Years Esquisse Awards |
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Teri Nagel |
Documenting Design: The Work of Alan Buchsbaum (Arch 1958) |
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Teri Nagel |
Bernard McCoy, Modern Atlanta: Viva Studio Speaker |
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Teri Nagel |
Introducing Gray Matter(s) |
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Teri Nagel |
ID Alum Establishes Interdisciplinary Design Professorship |
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Teri Nagel |
James Corner: Noted |
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Teri Nagel |
Georgia Tech Design Students Document Milan Design Week |
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Teri Nagel |
Buchsbaum was a fixture of New York design |
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Teri Nagel |