ECE Student Seminar

Story Title Content type Authored by Authored on
ECE Student Seminar - From ECE to the Business of ECE: Transitioning to Business and Consulting Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Intellectual Property: The Economic Engine of Knowledge Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Careers in Private Equity and Venture Capital Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Engineers in Construction Management Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Integrated CMOS-MEMS Acoustic Microsystems for Health Informatics and IoT Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - New Product Innovation: The Development Process Event dwatson71
CSIP Seminar Series - Customizing Federated Learning to the Edge Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Transitions in Data Communications Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Building a Fulfilling Career in Semiconductors Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - The Path Beyond the Wall: My Journey from Engineer to National Security AI Technology Entrepreneur Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Seeking Elegant Solutions to Complex Problems Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Let’s brighten the future of Microelectronics, together! Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Data Science Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar - Overview of the Career Center and Resources It Offers Event dwatson71
ECE Student Seminar Event Rachel Ponder