Brown Bag Get Together |
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gwyner3 |
Georgia Tech Community Market |
Event |
Kate Curnow |
Focus Graduate Studies Open House |
Event |
ralu3 |
The Innovation and Collaboration in Liberal Arts, Science, and Technology (ICLAST) Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Research Symposium |
Event |
ralu3 |
Women, Science, and Technology Mentors, Allies, and Student Lunch |
Event |
Carol Colatrella |
Georgia Tech Farmer's Market |
Event |
jscott82 |
WST Spring Lunch for WST Mentors, Students, and Allies |
Event |
Carol Colatrella |
Faculty & Staff Honors Luncheon |
Event |
Laura Pusateri |
Georgia Tech Farmer's Market |
Event |
Kate Curnow |
WST Mentor Lunch: Dr. Ellen Do |
Event |
Automator |
Georgia Tech Farmers Market |
Event |
Kate Curnow |
2017 Faculty/Staff Appreciation |
Event |
Trina Samuels |
WST Mentor Lunch: Dr. Mary Frank Fox |
Event |
Jessica Lewis |
SCPC Arts presents: Take-a-Prof! |
Event |
Austin Stewart |
What’s In a Tray? Tech Talks Healthy School Lunch |
News |
Kristen Bailey |