Ivan Allen College Faculty Discuss Afrofuturism and Feminism in 'Black Panther' Sequel |
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cwhittle9 |
Digital Media Ph.D. Candidate Co-Edits Latest Edition of ‘Catalyst’ |
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cwhittle9 |
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Banu Subramanian, feminist scholar |
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Carol Colatrella |
2021 Women's Leadership Conference |
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gwyner3 |
IPaT Thursday Think Tank: From #hashtags to Movements: Performance, Collective Narrative, and Erasure, a Black Feminist Perspective |
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pdemerritt3 |
Brittain Fellow Gina Kruschek Publishes Article in Computers and Composition |
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choffman34 |
IPaT Thursday Think Tank: From #hashtags to Movements: Performance, Collective Narrative, and Erasure, a Black Feminist Perspective |
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Alyson Key |
Dr. Elizabeth Donaldson on Feminist Disability Studies |
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Carol Colatrella |
Klein Awarded Collaborative Research Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies |
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ralu3 |
How Science Fiction Films Like ‘Black Panther’ and ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Embrace Femininity |
External News |
ralu3 |
Re-envisioning Familiar Narratives Through Feminist Theory |
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Monica Miller |
Androids, Shape Shifters, and Vampires: Black Women’s Afrofuturist Feminist Cultural Productions |
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Carol Senf |
WST and HTS Women’s Awareness Month Talk |
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Nettrice Gaskins |
“Estrogen Receptors in the Brain: The Co-Becoming of Practices in Feminism and Neuroscience" |
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Nettrice Gaskins |
Dr. Laura Bier Interviewed by PeaceXPeace |
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Amy D'Unger |