Turnitin - Designing Secure Assessments in the Age of AI |
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twagner35 |
Turnitin - Evaluating Papers Flagged by the AI Indicator |
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twagner35 |
Turnitin - Evaluating Papers Flagged by the AI Indicator |
Event |
twagner35 |
Turnitin - Understanding Similarity |
Event |
twagner35 |
Turnitin: Trends in Academic Integrity Policies & Honor Codes |
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lsmith411 |
Reflecting on AI in Your Course |
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lsmith411 |
Making the Most of the Turnitin AI Indicator Preview Phase |
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lsmith411 |
The Turnitin AI-Assisted Writing Indicator |
Event |
lsmith411 |
Turnitin: Office Hours |
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lsmith411 |
Faculty Training: Perusall, Zoom, Turnitin Feedback Studio and Draft Coach |
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lsmith411 |
New Features in Turnitin FeedBack Studio |
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Samba Diop |
New Features in Turnitin FeedBack Studio |
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Samba Diop |
New Features in Turnitin FeedBack Studio |
Event |
Samba Diop |
New Features in Turnitin FeedBack Studio |
Event |
Samba Diop |
New Features in Turnitin Feedback Studio |
Event |
Samba Diop |