Russia's War in Ukraine: The Economic Impact on the Region and the World |
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cwhittle9 |
The “Conflict Minerals” Paradigm: Ecology, Technology, and Power |
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cwhittle9 |
Timothy Snyder on Russia and Ukraine: The Origins of the Crisis |
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cwhittle9 |
How ‘Memory Wars’ Fuel the Conflict in Russia and Ukraine |
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dminardi3 |
The Gendered Legacies of Wartime Trauma: Bombing, Domestic Abuse, and Political Participation in Cambodia |
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Christopher McDermott |
Journal of Development Studies to Publish Shemyakina Paper |
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Jyldyz Ismailova-Hughes |
Rubin offers opinion on "Another Mideast battle brews" |
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Jene Gladstone |
Workshop on the Russo-Georgian War |
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Jene Gladstone |
The Whistle: A Conversation with Professor Adam Stulberg |
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Jene Gladstone |
Climate Change Triggers Wars and Population Decline |
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Abby Vogel Robinson |