Dense Microgel Suspensions Reveal In-silico What Happens Under Compression |
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John Toon |
Membrane Technology Could Cut Emissions and Energy Use in Oil Refining |
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John Toon |
Hydrogel Offers Double Punch Against Orthopedic Bone Infections |
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John Toon |
Synthetic Hydrogels Deliver Cells to Repair Intestinal Injuries |
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John Toon |
PowerPoint & LED Projector Enable New Technique for Self-Folding Origami |
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John Toon |
Microgel Composite Could Overcome Fibrin Blockade to Accelerate Healing |
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John Toon |
Simple Processing Technique Could Cut Cost of Organic PV and Wearable Electronics |
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John Toon |
Structural and Functional Materials based on Nanostructure Cellulose Fibrils |
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Kelly Smith |
SPN to host poster session, reception |
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Kelly Smith |
2015 MSE Career Fair |
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Terrence Green |
2015 MSE Career Fair |
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Terrence Green |
Smart Hydrogel Coating Creates “Stick-slip” Control of Capillary Action |
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John Toon |
Innovative Method Improves Strength and Modulus in Carbon Fibers |
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John Toon |
Matyas Kosa Studies Direct and Multistep Conversion of Lignin to Biofuels |
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Amna Jamshad |
Heat-Conducting Polymer Cools Hot Electronic Devices at 200 Degrees C |
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John Toon |