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Title Type Author Sort ascending Created Modified
Jennifer Leavey wins CETL Outstanding Undergraduate Educator Award News Troy Hilley
Investigating DNA Repair Mechanisms News Troy Hilley
To nick or not to nick the DNA for genome engineering News Troy Hilley
Shin lab publishes PLOS Genetics paper describing a novel paradigm of the re/generation News Troy Hilley
Genetics study shows a burden of rare mutations affecting how our genes are used News Troy Hilley
Is Cancer the price for our big brains? News Troy Hilley
Unstable Protein Can Mediate Effects of Cellular Stress on Prions News Troy Hilley
Welcome to Tech, Now Go Away News Troy Hilley
Streelman awarded Abell Fellowship News Troy Hilley
Chernoff award NSF grant to study yeast prionomics News Troy Hilley
Montoya awarded NSF grant for study of nitrogen in Gulf of Mexico News Troy Hilley
Student Receives Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH Fellowship to Study Dental Tissue Regeneration News Troy Hilley
Jim Spain interviewed about oil-eating microbes and Gulf oil spill News Troy Hilley
Biology Grad student Rachel Penczykowski wins PEO Scholar Award News Troy Hilley
SoB Researchers Reveal How Small DNA Fragments Trigger Chromosomal Rearrangements and Gene Amplification News Troy Hilley
Assistant Professor Patrick McGrath, PhD, selected as an Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Aging News Troy Hilley
Sarstedt Graduate Student Research Award News Troy Hilley
Gibson authors two recent articles in PLoS ONE News Troy Hilley
Hu's research featured on Good Morning America and NPR News Troy Hilley
VWR Distinguished Seminar in Experimental Biology News Troy Hilley