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Title Sort ascending Type Author Created Modified
(0426) Sherry Lecture, Dr. Art Ellis Event Shirley Tomes
(0426) Prof. Benjamin King, University of Nevada Event Shirley Tomes
(0426) COPE/Solvay Symposium Event Shirley Tomes
(0425) Dr. Angelo Bongiorno, GIT Event Shirley Tomes
(0424) Prof. Vincent Rotello, U Mass Event Shirley Tomes
(0424) AACP Seminar at Emory University Event Shirley Tomes
(0423) Executive Committee Meeting Event Shirley Tomes
(0419) Prof. Samuel Stupp, Northwestern University Event Shirley Tomes
(0418) Sherry Memorial Seminar Event Shirley Tomes
(0418) 100 Years of Chemistry at Tech Event Shirley Tomes
(0417) Prof. Jeffrey Skolnick, GIT, Biology Event Shirley Tomes
(0416) Sir John Meurig Thomas, Cambridge Event Shirley Tomes
(0412) Prof. Mark Berg, Univ of SC Event Shirley Tomes
(0412) Dr. Clemence Corminboeuf, Univ of Georgia Event Shirley Tomes
(0410) Prof. Isiah M. Warner, LSU Event Shirley Tomes
(0407) Suddath Symposium 2006 Event Shirley Tomes
(0406) Dr. Elisa Riedo, Physics (GIT) Event Shirley Tomes
(0402) Atlanta Area Chemical Physics Seminar Series Event Shirley Tomes
(0331) Prof. Leon Sanche, Sherbrook University Event Shirley Tomes
(0331) Dr. Christine Aikens, Northwestern Event Shirley Tomes