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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
(11-0908) Prof. Kenneth Poeppelmeier, Northwestern University Event Shirley Tomes
(11-0502) Thesis Defense - Ms. Yanrong Shi Event Shirley Tomes
Driving Success Across the Atlantic Event Jene Gladstone
End of the Year Banquet for SCaRP students, alumni, faculty, and staff Event Mike Alberghini
PageRank: some methods, models and regularizations Event Anita Race
Faculty Update: Augenbroe Promoted to Professor News George Johnston
Peakedness and Peakedness Ordering Event Anita Race
Bogost on Newsgames in Newsrooms External News Lauren Langley
School of Industrial Design Lecture: Nicholas Komor Event Claudia Rebola
GaP Seminar - Binding Affinity of Arsenic Oxo-Acids onto the Fe-O Surface of Nanoparticles Event Colly Mitchell
TANGLED: School of Industrial Design End-of-Year-Show Event Teri Nagel
GaP Seminar - The Multiple Personalities of Doxorubicin: An Examination of Redox Regulation in Cancer Treatment Event Colly Mitchell
Art Center Gives Livley Lectures on the Science of Life External News Colly Mitchell
Opening Reception for Vision: I IMAGINE, I SEE, I MAKE Event Teri Nagel
Institute Appoints New Director of Community Relations News Amelia Pavlik
Student Construction Association Alumni Networking Social Event Teri Nagel
Global Pecha Kucha Night - Inspire Japan Event Teri Nagel
Pierre L'Ecuyer, Universite de Montreal Event Jupiter
The Space Station and What is At Stake for International Collaboration Event Jene Gladstone
Nanotechnology, Security, and US-EU Approaches to Governance Workshop News Jene Gladstone