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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
Senior Indian Congress Party economist to Visit Tech Event Barbara Christopher
2002 Engineering Faculty Gala Event Barbara Christopher
Reception for the ISyE-sponsored Georgia Tech Business Network at GCATT Event Barbara Christopher
ISyE Welcome Back Party Event Barbara Christopher
Stochastics Seminar Series - A Survey of Stochastic Integer Programming Algorithms Event Barbara Christopher
Stochastics Seminar Series - An Overview of General and Multi-Stage Stochastics Programming Event Barbara Christopher
To Pull or Not To Pull: What is the Question? Event Barbara Christopher
Dynamic Resource Allocation in Stochastic Processing Networks Event Barbara Christopher
ISYE SEMINAR SERIES - A Periodic Review Inventory Model with Three Delivery Modes and Forecast Updates Event Barbara Christopher
Experiences in Electronics Recycling Event Barbara Christopher
Family Weekend Reception Event Barbara Christopher
ISYE SEMINAR SERIES - cancelled Event Barbara Christopher
On Measuring Supplier Performance under Vendor-Managed-Inventory Programs Event Barbara Christopher
Collective decision making in a distributed system: how a honeybee swarm chooses a home Event Barbara Christopher
ISYE SEMINAR SERIES - Optimization Models for the Financial Valuation of Supply Chain Risks Event Barbara Christopher
When chickens paint trucks: lessons in distributed intelligence Event Barbara Christopher
ISYE SEMINAR SERIES - Convergence Behavior of Greedy Algorithms for Some Convex Optimization Problems Event Barbara Christopher
The Collective Intelligence of Honey Bees Event Barbara Christopher
Quantitative and Computational Finance Seminar - Real option approach to generation assets valuation and risk assessment Event Barbara Christopher