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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
Niren Murthy, PhD, Receives 2009 Young Investigator Award News Colly Mitchell
Continuous Descent: Saving Fuel and Reducing Noise for Airliners News John Toon
ScienceLives: Pinar Keskinocak on Being an Industrial Engineer News Barbara Christopher
New Wireless Standard Promises Ultra-Fast Media Applications News John Toon
(09-1008) Prof. Christy L. Haynes, University of Minnesota Event Shirley Tomes
Renee Desing Recognized for Mentoring Incoming Undergrads News Barbara Christopher
Fall*2008 Senior Design: First Place Goes to the Manheim Seattle Team News Barbara Christopher
(10-0311) Prof. Henry White, University of Utah Event Shirley Tomes
(10-0415) Prof. Judy Kim, UC San Diego Event Shirley Tomes
Sustainable Design Expert Joins Architecture, Planning Faculty News Teri Nagel
Students Launch Audiball, an Xbox Community Game News David Terraso
The BeltLine and Sustainability: Panel Event Teri Nagel
Rules for Gene Silencing in Cancer Cells Identified News Barbara Christopher
(09-0123) Thesis Defense Announcement, Karl Huettinger Event Shirley Tomes
(10-0204) Prof. Julia Kubanek, Georgia Tech Event Shirley Tomes
(09-1001) Prof. Andrew Lyon, Georgia Tech Event Shirley Tomes
(09-0901) Prof. Dave Dixon, University of Alabama Event Shirley Tomes
We Moved News Kari White
(09-0331) Prof. Niels Damrauer, Univ of Colorado, Boulder Event Shirley Tomes
(09-0202) AACP Seminar Series, Prof. Brooks H. Pate, Univ of Virginia Event Shirley Tomes