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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
ECE Spring Picnic, Hosted by Eta Kappa Nu Event Jackie Nemeth
Engineering Dean Gary May Speaks at White House Ceremony News Liz Klipp
College of Computing Students Win Awards at GTRIC News Michaelanne Dye
Prof Kosal speaks on CBRN Security Culture and Academic Freedoms News William Foster
C21U Student Affiliate Connie Chen wins GT's Campus Movie Fest News Emily Ivey
The State of Black Science Fiction 2012 Event Tearanny Street
Baker Joins Georgia Tech Education Innovation Center News Rebecca Keane
Prof. John Stanton, University of Texas at Austin Event Shirley Tomes
I2S Competition Workshop: Selling Your Idea - The Art of the Elevator Pitch Event Dori Pap
Baylor and Georgia Tech Teams Collaborating on Protein and Metabolite Markers for Ovarian Cancer News Troy Hilley
The Untold Story: The Continuing Demise of the Construction Industry External News Jason Maderer
Technology and Predicting Severe Weather External News Jason Maderer
Tech to target highway safety and other transportation issues External News Mike Alberghini
Moreland Blueprints project underway under direction of Professor Richard Dagenhart External News Mike Alberghini
Prof. Dong Qin, Georgia Tech, MSE Event Shirley Tomes
I2S Competition Workshop: Attracting Funding and Measuring Impact Event Dori Pap
Cambridge NanoTech Joins the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics News Jason Martin
Levine on Chinese Crackdown on Unapproved Stem Cell Treatments External News Lauren Langley
Model Analyzes Shape-Memory Alloys for Use in Earthquake-Resistant Structures News Abby Vogel Robinson
ARC Colloquium: Sebastian Lahaie, Yahoo! Research Event Elizabeth Ndongi