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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
National MLK Holiday Observance Event Michael Hagearty
MLK Lecture featuring Julian Bond, Civil Rights Activist and Former NAACP Chairman Event Michael Hagearty
AE Distinguished Lecture Seminar Presents Event Glenda Duncan
ARC Colloquium: Kai-Min Chung, Harvard University Event Elizabeth Ndongi
ARC Colloquium: Yi Wu, Carnegie Mellon University Event Elizabeth Ndongi
ARC Colloquium: Xi Chen, University of Southern California Event Elizabeth Ndongi
ARC Colloquium: Jinwoo Shin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Event Elizabeth Ndongi
ARC Colloquium: Krzysztof Onak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Event Elizabeth Ndongi
Essa, Egerstedt Named IEEE Fellows News Mike Terrazas
ISyE Student Michael Ehmann Makes an Impact as a Young Entrepreneur News Ashley Daniel
Jeffrey N. Stirman - Ph.D. Defense Event Chris Ruffin
Shipping Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Materials News Amelia Pavlik
Nano@Tech with Dr. Jiri Janata Event Michael Hagearty
Buzzworthy Achievements: Fall Honors Roundup News Amelia Pavlik
Beki’s Blog Blends Personal, Professional News Amelia Pavlik
Woodruff School Hosts Dec. 8 Innovation Events News Amelia Pavlik
University Transportation Center, Georgia Transportation Institute Luncheon Seminar Series Event Amelia Pavlik
Silver Jackets Keeps Retirees Connected News Amelia Pavlik
Academic Senate Hears Update on Athletics Initiatives News Amelia Pavlik
Faculty Candidate Seminar - Service Competition and Product Quality in the U.S. Automobile Industry Event Anita Race