
PhD Proposal by Beatriz E. Palacios Abad

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Title: Broadband Data Action for Empowered Communities


Date: November 15, 2023

Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm EST

Location (in-person): TSRB 222

Location (remote): https://gatech.zoom.us/j/92341327656?pwd=dTI5ZFVVYVgwc3Z4MUdmYm9zdjdXdz09


Beatriz E. Palacios Abad

PhD Student in Computer Science

School of Interactive Computing

Georgia Institute of Technology



Dr. Ellen Zegura (advisor) – School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Amy Bruckman – School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Neha Kumar – School of Interactive Computing and Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Alberto Dainotti – School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Morgan Vigil-Hayes – School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University

Dr. Elizabeth Belding – Department of Computer Science, University of California Santa Barbara

Dr. Shaddi Hasan – Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University



In 2011, the United Nations declared Internet access to be a basic human right. Achieving universal access has long been a goal of governments throughout the world, including the United States (US). Yet, Internet access is tied to various and complex problems, including the availability of infrastructure and services, as well as the affordability of those same services and of Internet-enabled devices. Furthermore, the concept of digital equity–as defined by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA)–spans beyond the issues of access and affordability; it also involves questions of the use of technology, which alludes to topics of self-sufficiency, participation and collaboration online.


There are a multitude of organizations and individuals dedicated to advocating for communities’ access to quality Internet services. I am interested in how these folks self-organize, especially given the context of hostile socio-technical systems which may neglect (at best) or actively disrupt and thwart local community-led efforts. I am designing a tool focused on the self-empowerment of communities engaged in broadband improvement and expansion efforts. I argue that prioritizing community’s values and needs would prove to be a fruitful approach for maintaining and refining digital inclusion efforts over time, as the technology inevitably evolves, the needs change, and the availability of resources transform.


  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:Tatianna Richardson
  • Created:11/07/2023
  • Modified By:Tatianna Richardson
  • Modified:11/07/2023



Target Audience