
IEN’s NanoFANS Forum Celebrates 25th Symposium

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The NanoFANS (Focusing on Advanced Nanobio Systems) Forum is a semiannual symposium supported by the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN) at Georgia Tech that began in 2008. It features topics at the intersection of the life sciences and nanotechnology, and connects the medical, life sciences, biology, nanotechnology, and engineering communities. The goal of the NanoFANS Forum is to engage researchers in the biomedical and life sciences areas and to educate them on the benefits of micro-/nanotechnology and how it can advance their research.

Since the beginning, NanoFANS has been attended by more than 2,500 participants, both on- and off-campus, from academia, industry, and government organizations. To date, IEN has hosted 24 events and featured about 80 Georgia Tech / Emory faculty (and one off-campus faculty from Clemson).

The 25th NanoFANS forum is on Tuesday, May 24th, and will focus on “Micro- and Nanotechnology Commercialization: Opportunities and Challenges.” Technology commercialization is the process of transitioning technologies from the research lab to the marketplace, and it complements the process of publishing research findings. Innovations in micro- and nanotechnology are revolutionizing manufacturing and production and creating new materials and products through novel processes for commercial applications. In many cases, there is also a significant benefit to society.

IEN’s 25th NanoFANS forum will explore the opportunities and challenges of commercializing innovations in micro- / nanotechnology in the bio- space. Speakers will include Professor Todd Sulchek from the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech; Professor Farrokh Ayazi from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineer at Georgia Tech, Regents Professor Mark Prausnitz from the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Tech, and Mason Chilmonczyk, CEO of Andson Biotech. They will discuss their innovations and commercialization experience as founders and co-founders of their start-ups.

Please register for the NanoFANS Forum by May 20, 2022. Lunch will be provided

After the talks, an optional tour of the state-of-the-art IEN Cleanrooms and labs will be available for interested participants. Please let us know if you are interested in taking a tour.

For more information on the NanoFANS Forum, please contact:

Paul J. Joseph, Ph.D., MBA
Principal Research Scientist
Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology


  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:Laurie Haigh
  • Created:04/29/2022
  • Modified By:Laurie Haigh
  • Modified:04/29/2022


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