
The 2019 Margaret Guthman New Instrument Competition

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Georgia Tech's Margaret Guthman New Musical Instrument Competition is an annual event aimed at identifying the world's next generation of musical instruments. Every year the competition serves as a showcase for unveiling the best new ideas in musicality, design, and engineering.

This is the 20th year of the Guthman competition: for 11 years it was a piano competition and nine years as the new musical instrument competition that it is now. The first Guthman Competition began with eight high school students and one single piano in the Black Box theater. Every year, the Guthman competition hosts inventors from all over the world.

Wired magazine called the competition an "X-Prize for music," and contestants liken it to a TED Conference for new musical instrument designers. Some of our previous finalists include the OP-1, Roli Seaboard, Guitarbot and many other groundbreaking musical instruments which have since become successful commercially and artistically.

Meet the finalists.

Admission is free! For advance ticketing, visit this site.




  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:anguyen328
  • Created:02/27/2019
  • Modified By:anguyen328
  • Modified:02/27/2019