
CSE DLS Seminar: John R. Gilbert

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John R. Gilbert
University of California at Santa Barbara

For more information please contact Dr. David Bader

"Challenges in Combinatorial Scientific Computing"


Computation on large combinatorial structures -- graphs, strings, partial orders, etc. -- has become fundamental in many areas of data analysis and scientific modeling. The field of high-performance combinatorial computing, however, is in its infancy. By way of contrast, in numerical supercomputing we possess standard algorithmic primitives, high-performance software libraries, powerful rapid-prototyping tools, and a deep understanding of effective mappings of problems to high-performance computer architectures.

This talk will describe a number of challenges for the field of combinatorial scientific computing, in algorithms, tools, architectures, and mathematics. I will draw examples from various applications, and I will highlight our group's work on algebraic primitives for high-performance computation on large graphs and networks.



You are cordially invited to attend a reception in the lounge next to Klaus 1324 before the seminar to chat informally with faculty and students. PIZZA will be provided.


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  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:Louise Russo
  • Created:03/08/2010
  • Modified By:Fletcher Moore
  • Modified:10/07/2016


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