
Byung-Cheol Kim Receives Young Economist Award

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In 2015, Dr. Byung-Cheol Kim received the Young Economist Award from the Korea-America Economic Association and was selected as a future leading scholar in economics. As a result, a major news media outlet in South Korea, Chosun ILBO, featured a front-page article on the Economy section about Associate Professor Kim. As part of the interview for the article, Kim addressed social implications of his research on network neutrality regulation, the economics of the right to be forgotten, and innovation in the LCD panel industry, among others.

He also offered warm but critical comments on the current Korean economy. Kim emphasized the importance of creative innovations as the key engine for business success. While creative minds are tightly related to the clash of ideas through active and open discussion, the Korean corporate culture does not allow for such mutual communications under a vertically rigid structure. In addition, he said that a culture that does not embrace new trials and errors is the biggest enemy to providing vitality to the economy. He maintained that it is essential to create a new corporate culture in which each individual’s potential is fully acknowledged instead of being suppressed for unison itself.

For the full article, please click here.



  • Workflow Status:Published
  • Created By:Jade Hill
  • Created:02/02/2016
  • Modified By:Fletcher Moore
  • Modified:10/07/2016