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Title Type Author Sort ascending Created Modified
PaR Systems, Inc. Acquires Atlanta-based CAMotion External News Josie Giles
Shimon the Singer-Songwriter Robot to Launch First Album and Tour External News Josie Giles
Kelly Distinguished Lecture on Robots and Jobs—Chris Urmson Event Josie Giles
Long-Term Lizard Study Challenges the Rules of Evolutionary Biology News Josie Giles
IRIM Robotics Seminar–Julie Shah Event Josie Giles
IRIM Robotics Seminar–Eric R. Eaton Event Josie Giles
ChBE Fall 2009 Seminar Series-September 2, 2009 Event Josie Giles
ChBE Fall 2008 Seminar Series - December 17 Event Josie Giles
ChBE Spring 2008 Seminar Series - January 23 Event Josie Giles
ChBEs22nd Annual Ashton Cary Lecture Event Josie Giles
New Graduate Student Orientation Event Josie Giles
Professor William J. Koros Wins Alan S. Michaels Award for Innovation News Josie Giles
ChBE Seminar Series–Dr. Michael Dickey Event Josie Giles
IRIM Robotics Seminar–Ryan Eustice Event Josie Giles
Robotics History: Narratives and Networks Oral Histories with Ayanna Howard External News Josie Giles
Amputee Drummer Uses Robot Arm: “Metal Drummers Might Be Jealous” External News Josie Giles
ChBE Seminar Series–Dr. Charles McCormick Event Josie Giles
Ayanna Howard Gives Expert Commentary on Autonomous Vehicles While in Singapore External News Josie Giles
Robotarium Open House Event Josie Giles
Christensen Discusses Market for Collaborative Robots External News Josie Giles