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Status update (9/13/23): We're still slowly chipping away at the Mercury issue queue. If you have issues you want to see addressed, this is place to go. You can follow issues and see when we have updates or solutions. If you have an issue that is not already the queue, or is not addressed on our quick fixes to common problems page, you can add it directly there or email webteam@gatech.edu.

All content

Title Type Sort ascending Author Created Modified
Soft matter, food and cooking Event Alison Morain
The Fermi Pasta Ulam (FPU) Problem and The Birth of Nonlinear Science Event Alison Morain
World Town Planning Day 2013 Event Lisa Herrmann
Drinking, Clapping, and Bouncing fluids Event Alison Morain
Exhibit: "Putting the Southeast on the Map" Event Lisa Herrmann
Petit Institute Holiday Party Event Colly Mitchell
Town Hall on Definition of 'Faculty' Event Amelia Pavlik
Town Hall on Definition of 'Faculty' Event Amelia Pavlik
Petit Institute Seminar Event Colly Mitchell
Campus Fire Safety Class Event Jennifer Mattingly
Plan, Prep, React -- Active Shooter Response Class Event Jennifer Mattingly
Crime Prevention 101 Class Event Jennifer Mattingly
Tech the Halls Event Kristen Bailey
What Is In Your Building: Hazards Awareness Class Event Jennifer Mattingly
Emergency Preparedness 101 Class Event Jennifer Mattingly
Go T.E.C.H. Student Health Fair Event Rachael Pocklington
Spin-N-Screen Event Rachael Pocklington
CSIP Seminar Event Ashlee Gardner
The School of Modern Languages hosts The Atlanta Slavic Studies Seminar Event Shamiso Barnett
Homecoming presents: Tech's Next Top Muse! Event Austin Stewart