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Title Sort descending Type Author Created Modified
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Jennifer Hirsch, Sustainable Communities Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Julia Babensee, BME Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Karen Mura, Prestigious Fellowships Advisor Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. M.L. Realff Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Martha Grover Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Mary Lynn Realff Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Mary Lynn Realff Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Mary Lynn Realff (MSE) Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Mindy Millard-Stafford Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Mindy Millard-Stafford, Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Nassim Parvin, Digital Media/LMC Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Meg Sonstroem, International Education Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Meg Sonstroem, International Education Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Meg Sonstroem, OIE Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Monica Marks about Consent app Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Prof. Tequila Harris Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Reda Park, Health Services on VOICE Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner with Tegra Myanna & Camilla Frost-Brewer Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner: Career Center advice on jobs and internships Event Carol Colatrella
WST Lrn C dinner: Dr. Deborah Turner, Scheller College of Business Event Nettrice Gaskins