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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
Teens “Paid To Play” Video Games Impact Computer Science Education Research News Juliet Helms
Gingrich: Twitter Account Has 1.3 Million Followers News Juliet Helms
Researcher Teaches Computers to Detect Spam More Accurately News Juliet Helms
COA Research Forum: Dr. Craig Zimring, "Healthy Environments and Healthcare Design" Event Teri Nagel
COA Research Forum: Dr. Chuck Eastman, "Building Information Modeling" Event Teri Nagel
CyberCulture: OpenStudy | ChinesePod | TwoChop News Juliet Helms
The School of Economics Seminar Series Presents Bruce Meyer Event Kari White
COA Research Forum: Selen Okcu, "Soundscapes of Critical Healthcare Settings" Event Teri Nagel
"The Effects of Delayed Feedback and Configuration on Stable Interactions between the Neural and Musculoskeletal Systems" - Jeffrey Bingham, PhD Proposal Event Colly Mitchell
"Characterization of a Sacral Dorsal Column Pathway Controlling Hindlimb Motor Behavior" - JoAnna T. Anderson, PhD Defense Event Colly Mitchell
"Development of a Coupled Geometrical Multiscale Solver and Application on Single Ventricle Surgical Planning" - Maria Restrepo, PhD Proposal Event Colly Mitchell
DATHA Lecture: Sally Flocks, President and CEO of PEDS Event Claudia Rebola
Georgia Tech Partnerships Support State K-12 STEM Education News Lisa Grovenstein
Georgia Tech Students Among First Selected as NASA Space Technology Research Fellows News Liz Klipp
The School of Economics Seminar Series Presents James Cox Event Kari White
Popsicle Party hosted by ECON Club Event Kari White
MRSEC Seminar Series with Dr. Jean-Marie Poumirol Event Gina Adams
Graduate Student Employee Processing News Matt Werner
Teaching Kids a Love of Science News Troy Hilley
Georgia Tech-Lorraine: Gateway to Europe News Rachael Pocklington