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All content

Title Type Author Sort ascending Created Modified
HPRG: Nutrition Environments Event Michelle Marcus
Aerotropolis Atlanta Health Impact Assessment Community Health Survey News Michelle Marcus
"Megaregion" groups Greenville with Charlotte and Atlanta News Michelle Marcus
ADVANCE Luncheon- December Meeting Event Michelle Marcus
Ross speaks about times at Kent State. News Michelle Marcus
Hospitals and Community Health HIA Made Public News Michelle Marcus
HPRG: Health perspective on BRAC Event Michelle Marcus
Ross talks about megaregions in San Diego Newspaper News Michelle Marcus
HPRG: Health, Environment, and Freight Transport Event Michelle Marcus
HPRG: Atlanta's comprehensive transportation plan Event Michelle Marcus
Review: Megaregions, Edited by Catherine L. Ross News Michelle Marcus
ADVANCE Luncheon- November Meeting Event Michelle Marcus
Ross quoted in AJC article News Michelle Marcus
Health Impact Assessment News Michelle Marcus
HPRG: Studies connecting the built environment and health Event Michelle Marcus
Ross invited to White House Clean Energy Forum News Michelle Marcus
HPRG: Plan 2040 HIA Event Michelle Marcus
HPRG: Effects of transportation on health Event Michelle Marcus
CQGRD Initiates New Projects News Michelle Marcus
HPRG hosts a booth at the NEPH Conference in Atlanta. News Michelle Marcus