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All content

Title Type Author Created Modified Sort ascending
ARC Colloquium And Machine Learning (ML) Seminar Series with Geoffrey Hinton Event Brittany Aiello
Lunch and Learn: Exchange Credit Transfer and Approval Process Event Jaclyn Overall
Public Lecture: How to become a better cook by bringing science to the kitchen Event Alison Morain
MS Defense by Harrison Norman Event Danielle Ramirez
GlobalNet Social Event Andrea Harris
Advanced Techniques of Radar Detection in Non-Gaussian Background Event Michael Hagearty
Panel Discussion on Flipping ECE Classes Event Ashlee Gardner
Transportation Speaker Series - Geoffrey Whitfield, Ph.D. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Event Rachel Isaac
2014 Roundtable: Lending an Ear: Designing Courses with Non-Native English Speakers' Needs and Perspectives in Mind Event Carol Senf
Ph.D. Defense by Boyang "Albert" Li Event Danielle Ramirez
Ph.D Defense by Laura Redmond Event Danielle Ramirez
CSE Seminar: How Monte Carlo Methods Solve the World's Problems and Make You Rich!! By: Michael Mascagni Event Birney Robert
Webinar: Health Equity in Planning Healthy Communities Event Meghan McMullen
Flashpoint Speaker Series: Roni Einav Event Birney Robert
MS Defense by Adam Blake Dunaway Event Danielle Ramirez
Webinar: Active Living Planning, Design and Policy for Municipalities Event Meghan McMullen
CSE Seminar: Computational Challenges and Opportunities in Modeling Geophysical Flows By: Josef Dufek Event Birney Robert
PhD Proposal by Hening Wang Event Danielle Ramirez
New Research on Chinese Cinema and Media Event Matt Josey
21st Century Challenges to Space Security Event Matt Josey