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All content

Title Type Sort ascending Author Created Modified
Destination Europe: Your Research & Innovation Opportunities Event Sandra Song
France-Atlanta: Photo Exhibition and Lecture Series Event Sandra Song
MailChimp Building Your Coding Portfolio Workshop Event Brittany Aiello
School of City and Regional Planning Information Session Event Michael Hagearty
SCS Distinguished Lecture Series: Michael Kearns Event Brittany Aiello
Inaugural Mary Jean Harrold Memorial Lecture - Deborah Estrin, SCS Distinguished Lecturer Event Brittany Aiello
The Revival IV: A Farewell Tour Event Stephanie Ray
Brown Bag - Doctor of Education in Student Affairs Leadership Program Event Sara Warner
China Care: Cure Your Cravings Event Michael Hagearty
Undergraduate Research Option Info Session Event Kristen Bailey
Sandwiches for the Homeless Event Kristen Bailey
Ph.D. Defense by Gloria Ross Event Danielle Ramirez
Ph.D. Proposal by Aditi Sharma Event Danielle Ramirez
ISyE Colloquium Seminar Event Anita Race
Digital Learning in 21st-Century Universities Event Sylvia Carson
CSIP Seminar Event Ashlee Gardner
Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Social Courage Luncheon Event Beth Godfrey
Allen Prize Symposium: Human Rights and the Rule of Law Event Beth Godfrey
GT Professors to Illuminate TEDxPeachtree Event Brittany Aiello
Beatrice Mtetwa and the Rule of Law Documentary Film Screening Event Beth Godfrey