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Title Type Sort ascending Author Created Modified
Integrated Cancer Research Center Seminar Series Event Colly Mitchell
Integrated Cancer Research Seminar Series Event Colly Mitchell
PhD Thesis Proposal - Lauren B. Priddy Event Colly Mitchell
PhD Thesis Defense - Julianty Angsana Event Colly Mitchell
Atlanta Regional Roundtable on Transportation and Infrastructure Development Event Teri Nagel
WST Lrn C dinner with Dr. Elsa Reichmanis (ChBE) Event Carol Colatrella
School of Aersospace Engineering / Kamat Distinguished Lecture Series presents: Dr. John J. Tracy Event Michelle Fields
Pre-Teaching information session for Biology majors Event Susan Belmonte
Pre-Teaching information session - Catholic Center at Georgia Tech Event Susan Belmonte
CSIP Seminar: Information maximizing DAC noise shaping Event Ashlee Gardner
Webinar: Reflections on the Gentle Art of Teaching and Mentoring Event Ashlee Gardner
Pulitzer Prize Winner Adam Johnson Will Talk to Georgia Tech about North Korea on September 19th Event Carol Senf
Pulitzer Prize Winner Adam Johnson Will Talk to Georgia Tech about North Korea on September 19 Event Carol Senf
Models and measurements of myriad molecular motors in muscle -- new directions in force generation. Event Alison Morain
Exerting Mechanical Force on Proteins Event Alison Morain
The Tower Undergraduate Research Kaleidoscope Event Kristen Bailey
Deadline to Submit to The Tower Event Kristen Bailey
Crash Course: Web Design Event Tearanny Street
Essential Databases and Research Resources Event Tearanny Street
ECE Student Library Orientation Event Tearanny Street