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All content

Title Type Author Sort ascending Created Modified
Logistics Short Course Event Ruth Gregory
Assessing Stock Selection in Emerging Markets Event Ruth Gregory
ISyE Statistics Seminar: Bradley Jones Event Ruth Gregory
Dr. Eva Lee Part of $31 M Translational Partnership News Ruth Gregory
ISyE Weekly Teas for Faculty and Graudate Students News Ruth Gregory
Logistics Performance, Cost, and Value Measures Event Ruth Gregory
ISyE Statistics Seminar: Harriet Black Nembhard Event Ruth Gregory
ISyE Guest Lecturer: Yuri Nesterov Event Ruth Gregory
EMIL Spotlight: Omar Gonzalez News Ruth Gregory
ISyE's Ergun, Houghtalen, and Sokol Awarded MSSIP News Ruth Gregory
Senior Design Finalists Compete for First Prize News Ruth Gregory
Allocation Mechanisms for Carrier Alliances Event Ruth Gregory
Yuan Recognized by Cancer Coalition News Ruth Gregory
Faculty Seminar with Dr. Jun Xu Event Ruth Gregory
World-Class Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy Event Ruth Gregory
ISyE Guest Lecturer: Edi Schreibmann Event Ruth Gregory
2007 IE Spring Picnic A Success News Ruth Gregory
The Supply Chain and Logistics Seminar Series Event Ruth Gregory
ISyE Guest Lecturer: Dr. Nagi Gebraeel Event Ruth Gregory
ISyE Welcomes 2008 GT/NUS Dual Degree Students News Ruth Gregory