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Title Type Author Sort ascending Created Modified
As Strong as its Weakest Link: Experiments Determine Real-world Limits of Graphene News John Toon
Side-Stream Chemicals Could Boost Biorefineries News John Toon
HAWC captures evidence of powerful cosmic visitors News John Toon
Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes Cut Energy Use in Hydrocarbon Separations News John Toon
Georgia Tech's Analog Expertise in Great Demand News John Toon
Programs Focus on Work Force for Nanotechnology News John Toon
Miniature Gas Chromatograph Could Help Farmers Detect Crop Diseases Earlier News John Toon
RNA Was Capable of Catalyzing Electron Transfer on Early Earth with Iron’s Help, Study Shows News John Toon
Study of Earthquake Soil Effects Could Improve Building Design News John Toon
Biophysics Plays Key Role in Immune System Signaling, Response News John Toon
Researchers Report First Entanglement between Light and an Optical Atomic Coherence News John Toon
Researchers Take Step Toward Faster Communication News John Toon
Disappearing Carbon Circuits on Graphene Could Have Security, Biomedical Uses News John Toon
Researchers Help Assess Economic Impact of Nanotechnology on Green & Sustainable Growth News John Toon
How the Hawkmoth Sees, Hovers and Tracks Flowers in the Dark News John Toon
Study Finds “Lurking Malice” in Cloud Hosting Services News John Toon
Integrated Sensor Could Monitor Brain Aneurysm Treatment News John Toon
‘SlothBot in the Garden’ Demonstrates Hyper-Efficient Conservation Robot News John Toon
Executive Vice President for Research Steve Cross to Step Down News John Toon
Biomolecular Tweezers Facilitate Study of Mechanical Force Effects on Cells and Proteins News John Toon