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All content

Title Type Author Sort ascending Created Modified
"Sacred Space:The Intersection of Religion and Architecture" Event Carol Silvers
Ivan Allen College Distinguished Lectures Event Carol Silvers
Susan Herbst Book Signing - "Rude Democracy" Event Carol Silvers
Policy in the Real World: NEPA and the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Event Carol Silvers
Is Privacy Obsolete? Event Carol Silvers
WST (Women, Science and Technology) Dinner and Strengths Finder, with Dr. Mary Lynn Realff Event Carol Silvers
Poetry at Tech presents: Andrew Motion and Niillas Holmberg Event Carol Silvers
Myths and Facts about Clean Energy in the US South Event Carol Silvers
"The Balfour Declaration" - Book talk by Jonathan Schneer at the Carter Center Event Carol Silvers
Master's/Undergraduate Spring Commencement Ceremony Event Carol Silvers
World Englishes Faculty Workshop Event Carol Silvers
Celebrating the Lotus Revolution in the Middle East Event Carol Silvers
Ivan Allen College Alumni Brunch Event Carol Silvers
Grand Opening - The Communication Center Event Carol Silvers
Association of Telecom Professionals / CACP / FCBA - Atlanta Chapter program Event Carol Silvers
What I Write: A Reading of Creative Works to Commemorate the National Day on Writing Event Carol Silvers
Health Policy Presentation and Panel Discussion Event Carol Silvers
Robert Kirkman Book Signing "The Ethics of Metropolitan Growth" Event Carol Silvers
Ivan Allen College ‘Rejuvenation Station’ Event Carol Silvers
"An Overview of Telecommunications in China" Event Carol Silvers