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All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
Community Service Council Launch Event Kristen Bailey
Rowe Selected for CHOA Legislative Committee News Lauren Langley
Building next-generation software for computational chemistry using rank-reduction, multicore, and GPU computing techniques Event Daniel Lee
Clark Appointed to SPIE Committee News Lauren Langley
Technique Town Hall: Ramblin' with Brian Gregory Event Kristen Bailey
Hall Introduces Red Tails News Lauren Langley
Frontiers in Science Public Lecture Featuring Doug Osheroff, Nobel Prize WInner Event Amelia Pavlik
Squishy Physics Event Amelia Pavlik
Listen to C21U Director Rich DeMillo on LA Talk Radio News Emily Ivey
2012 SEMDA Conference Event Colly Mitchell
Georgia Tech's Digital Media Program - Yesterday and Today Event Carol Silvers
NROTC - Guest Speaker: Colonel Julian Dale Alford Event Carol Silvers
Ryan Gravel’s moment was when others embraced the Beltline: Gravel, alumnus of SCaRP, describes how his idea took off External News Mike Alberghini
Poetry at Tech - McEver Poetry Reading Event Carol Silvers
Meeting of the Minds: The Influence of Music on the Black Experience Event Rachael Pocklington
WST Learning Community Dinner (Note - change of date) Event Carol Silvers
Center for Study of Women, Science and Technology (WST) - Learning Community Open House Event Carol Silvers
Equity and Equality in South Africa's Nanotech Initiative Event Carol Silvers
Association of Telecom Professionals / CACP / FCBA - Atlanta Chapter program Event Carol Silvers
Huntsville's Partnership for Biotechnology Research seminar on business of biotech engineering set for Feb. 6 External News Colly Mitchell