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All content

Title Type Author Created Modified Sort ascending
November Movie: Inception Event Julie Elion
COA Research Forum: Dr. Perry Yang, "Ecological Urbanism: Scale, Flow and Design" Event Teri Nagel
GTRI Machine Services Open House Event Robert Nesmith
Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Distinguished Lecture Series Event Jason Martin
Discover GTRI 2010 Event Robert Nesmith
Pathways to Urban Sustainability: Lessons from the Atlanta metropolitan region Event Teri Nagel
Generalized intersection cuts and a new cut generating paradigm Event Anita Race
Meet and Greet at MODA: School of Industrial Design Chair Jim Budd Event Teri Nagel
Elementary Student Workshop - LEGO NXT robots - Artificial Life Forms Event Cristina Gonzalez
Chemistry Colloquium with Dr. Nils Kröger Event Michael Hagearty
ARC Colloquium: Yael Kalai Event Cristina Gonzalez
Hecceity: the work of Harris Dimitropoulos Event Teri Nagel
Winter Break Event Cristina Gonzalez
GVU Research Showcase Event Renata Le Dantec
Welcome Reception for Provost Rafael Bras Event Michael Hagearty
Student Center 40th Birthday Bash Event Julie Elion
Black Box Comedy Festival Event Michael Hagearty
Patents & Trademarks 101 Event Michael Hagearty
Warren St. John Lecture Event Laura Coleman Wright