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Status update (9/13/23): We're still slowly chipping away at the Mercury issue queue. If you have issues you want to see addressed, this is place to go. You can follow issues and see when we have updates or solutions. If you have an issue that is not already the queue, or is not addressed on our quick fixes to common problems page, you can add it directly there or email webteam@gatech.edu.

All content

Title Type Author Created Sort ascending Modified
STAT SEMINAR SERIES :: Two-treatment crossover designs Event Barbara Christopher
Two-treatment crossover designs Event Barbara Christopher
STAT SEMINAR SERIES :: Gene number estimation and gene capture prediction in EST sequencing Event Barbara Christopher
ISyE Faculty Meeting Event Barbara Christopher
STAT SEMINAR SERIES :: Large margin semi-supervised learning Event Barbara Christopher
SC&L Seminar Series :: Design of a Distribution Network Event Barbara Christopher
Thesis Defense :: Computer Experiments: Design, Modeling and Integration Event Barbara Christopher
Profit-Maximizing Pricing-Scheduling Policies in Queues Event Barbara Christopher
Agency, Optimization, and Nonstandard Statistics Event Barbara Christopher
QCF Faculty candidate: Statistical Approaches to Option Pricing and Portfolio Management Event Barbara Christopher
ISyE Official School Dedication Event Barbara Christopher
ISyE Advisory Board Meeting and Dinner Event Barbara Christopher
THESIS DEFENSE :: Statistical Learning in Logistics and Manufacturing Systems Event Barbara Christopher
THESIS DEFENSE :: High Volume Conveyor Sortation System Analysis Event Barbara Christopher
Thesis Defense :: Inventory Control in a Build-to-Order Environment Event Barbara Christopher
SC&L Seminar Series :: Single and Multi-floor Facility Layout Problem Based on Meta-heuristics Algorithm Event Barbara Christopher
Thesis Defense :: State Space Collapse in Many-Server Diffusion Limits of Parallel Server Systems and Applications Event Barbara Christopher
Thesis Defense :: Contributions to the Analysis of Experiments Using Empirical Bayes Techniques Event Barbara Christopher
Thesis Defense :: Modeling and Analysis of Complex Technology Adoption Decisions: An Investigation in the Domain of Mobile ICT Event Barbara Christopher
ISyE Faculty Meeting Event Barbara Christopher